Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Manly Man games for Men!

Answer: Driving mutated alien creatures with rifles and grenades off a planet you’ve tried to colonise while curing a disease caused by a parasite which is making said aliens turn into a new batch of even-worse-aliens which want to fight the aliens aswell as yourself and ruin everyones fun.

Also without it, what would the cast of Gears of War do for a living? Seriously look at this guy.

"Just popping down the shops."
It would have to be a job which involves nothing smashable, crushable or word processing as I don't think those big sausage fingers could hit fewer than 4 keys at once.
He could get a job in logistics lifting crates around, but Gears of Warehouse sounds like a rubbish idea for a game.
Shenmue sort of got away with it, but at least Ryo could fit in a forklift

"Which one's Warehouse B? Oh crap I'm gonna get fired."
So next time Edwin Starr starts piping up, just tell him it keeps people like Marcus Fenix in work. Me and Daf finished Gears of War 3 in co-op mode at the weekend. It’s technically not my game, but neither are the games on the list which belong to Cassy, Them’s the rules, if I want to play it (and have access to it), it goes on. So that’s one game added, one game completed, which means my number of uncompleted games hasn’t changed, but the percentage has crept up which I think we can all agree is the best bit of news we’ve had since Wispa’s came back
Pictured: The new measuring stick for goodness of news
Marcus Fenix has never had a Wispa, that’s why he looks so angry all the time.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Normal Programming will resume shortly

What day is it? Oh no. When did I last update? Oh no. What am I working on right now? Ooohhh balls.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

It's that time of the Mouth!

Me and Steve fought off a lot of different zombie types on our path to completing Dead Nation. 

These are our mass zombie slaughter faces
Aswell as the usual armies of drone zombie, you have special "infected" who fundamentally disgree with your human right to not be eaten. Pretty scary bunch really, you've got your Bombies, Slicers, Jumpers....and Mouth.

There's a lot of things that we shouted a LOT during our playthrough, the top 5 probably being

5) Zombies!
4) Health Pack!
3) Treasure!
2) I'm being eaten!
1) MOUTH!!!!!

Mouth's school photo, doesn't even have a face let alone a mouth.
So what made Mouth so special? Well we have no idea what it's meant to do. It's appearance was terrifying at first, we'd never seen one before and it does look scary...until we shot it a few times and it went down. The more we fought, the less they seemed to do. No matter how long we left them standing there, no matter how hungry it's mates were, Mouth stood there certainly making quite a lot of noise and looking irritable but he seemed content to just watch until his brains got smeared along the side of a bin. The whole game we assumed it had some incredible power we'd yet to see. It didn't. It is Mouth.

We finished the game over a few beers and celebrated our victory over the army of undead, especially Mouth. The credits rolled and we noticed at the end, the development company provided an email address for contact. This is the email "Housemarque" received 10 minutes later

Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 22:02:12 +0000
Subject: Dead nation... And mouth
Andy and steve here, just finished dead nation for  We thought it was amazing! However... Please explain Mouth. He's our favourite :-)
Warmest regards, steve and andy.

No reply yet but it was only last night and they live all the way in Finland so fingers crossed. MOUTH!!!

0 games bought. 1 game finished but I've just realised my spreadsheets and graph for tommorows update are on a pendrive I've left at work. Will update that on Monday, Progress is progress!

Unless it's Mouth's progress.


Tuesday, 8 November 2011

LocoRoco is not something I've made up

Evening blogsters!

Another late update but it was an exciting week just passed for me as Sonic Generations was released! I got it, I finished it and I'll be uploading a video about it during the week.
Also last week I started and finished Loco Roco 2 on the the PSP.
Another game about what are essentially blobs and with a silly name. I promise this is the end of my brightly coloured blob fixation. The concept behind Loco Roco is tilting your environment to guide a bunch of rolly-balls which sing, through surreal environments to bouncy music. Pure mental rainbow joy. It's a bit like what you might see if you ate a bucket of skittles for dinner. The enemy designs are a bit...questionable though...
Seriously, is that alright?
1 new game bought and 2 games complete, let's take a look graph-fans.

Still a bit boring. Maybe cold hard stats next week

So that's last week, what about THIS week? Our current exciting week?! The only game I'm really currently aiming to finish is Dead Nation with Steve but I'm sure there's a few on the list where I'm right near the end and can maybe pick one or two off...but for now lets just say Sonic Generations video coming this week and hopefully Dead Nation finished by Sunday. I hope so, no more flat spots on the graph please.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Q and A

Good evening all! Doing alright I trust? Champion.
We have some questions today from a Mr Mark Davies, posted on the first entry of the blog. Allow me to paste them here and answer!

Hey, I'm looking forward to the progress of this blog. Just some general questions:
Am I right that the colour coding in the games list is by platform?

Absolutely right. The orange was Miscellaneous really but does currently contain a PC game and a Dreamcast game at the moment.

How is completion defined? Finishing the "story" would seem the most appropriate and justified. So could you give yourself bonus points for doing all side missions and achieving 100% completion as defined by Trophies/Achievements?

Again correct, it's based on story completion or any kind of career/story mode. Hence the odd driving game has made the list as it had a career mode and can be "completed". For example with the fighting genre, Super Smash Brothers Brawl has a story campaign so it's in. Street Fighter 4 does not, so it's out.
No bonus points for 100% completion, but maybe if I ever complete this project there's something to think about in the future!

How awesome is Jet Set Radio?

Jet Set Radio is one of Earth's Ambassadors for awesome. Anyone with a love for anything SEGA needs a dreamcast, a VGA cable adapter and copy of Jet Set right now. They really don't make em like this anymore. 

Jet Set Radio: F YOU SQUARE CAR!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Up to the second, finger on the pulse, action!

It's the Sunday update...on a Tuesday!! Alright the blog post is a couple of days late but the data is from Sunday so no biggie.
As I've already mentioned, I finished the World Ends With You so that's good. It gets better though, I also managed to finish "De Blob 2".
I've been chipping away at this one for a while hence no mention of it so far on the blog. Or should that be De Blog? No, no it probably shouldn't.

Whats "De Blob 2" you ask? Well its a platformer where you control this thing, doing things by getting paint...and things, to stop all these other things..and rescue some things using the paint. Also there's things.
Another fun fact: it's a sequel to a game called "De Blob". See what they've done there, is stuck a 2 on the end of it which was a good idea I think.
It's a blob. Obviously.
 Nearly got a third game ticked off, as me and my co-op buddy Steve have been ploughing through Dead Nation, a top-down shooter which has you fighting off hoards of zombies (I'm talking hundreds at a time here), it's really fun and really addictive and I'd suggest you get about downloading it if you've got someone willing to play as I can't imagine it's as much fun as a single player experience. Plus Steves really good with landmines so that's pretty handy when it comes to not being Zombie-Chow and I can't say any of my other friends excel in explosives in the same way, so I'm thankful for his support. So much so, I never even mean to set him on fire, it just sort of happens a lot. There's a load of zombie games out there at the moment but I think this is the only one where you can get a giant sawblade launcher and decapitate an army of zombies at once.  Not only that but there's a massive bloated zombie which explodes called a "Bombie". If wordplay like that isn't enough incentive to give it a try then I just don't know WHAT you want!

Alternate Title: Ah bloody hell! Zombies!

No games bought, 2 down, before we go to the graph I'd just like to take a moment to thank all the people who have commented on, or followed the blog. You are lovely people indeed.
To the graph!
In the immortal words of the M-People, it's "moving on up, moving on up, moving on up"

Then they'd repeat it a few more dozen times but that's why you haven't heard from them in about a decade.